Following are 3 alternative suggestions for adult social tennis. The usual events are club night, progressive doubles, team tennis, fish & chip night and more.
Poker Tennis!
For Poker tennis, you will need several old packs of cards. Doubles format. Players stick with the same partner for the duration of the tennis. Each round is 20 minutes, playing regular games with first point after deuce. After each round, players rotate to play another pairing. You give 2 playing cards each to the winners on each court and 1 each to the losers.
Tell them to hold on to their cards, but don’t tell them why or the less scrupulous will start swapping cards! At the end of the night / prizegiving, ask everyone to get out their cards and the winner is the person who can make the best Poker hand with any 5 of their cards. You could have random prizes as well for hands such as a pair of 2s or jacks, etc.
Wooden Racquets!
Players play in club night, team tennis or progressive doubles formats, but the rule is they can only play with wooden tennis racquets! Lots of fun! You can ask your members if they have any spare wooden racquets or source them yourself.
University / College Challenge!
For the students in your club (they could also bring a friend), have players from various colleges teaming up to play against each other! You could do a Davis Cup / Fed Cup format with 2 singles matches and 1 doubles match, so four players per team. You can have multiple teams per college.